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Showing posts from April, 2021

Weaving Craft

For this craft project we created a yarn bracelet. We created the weaving by picking three different colors and weaving through three straws that were taped together on the end. To create the next color to be incorporated we would tie a little knot to the other color of yarn , so that once it ran out the new color would start. Once we were done weaving we knotted the end and pulled the straws out from the yarn. Extension Activity: This project could be tied into a Social Studies lesson. We had learned about the Native American culture that weaving originated from, so I would have the students create a mini power point on Native American culture to the class. Native American culture is a wide culture that we have here in South Dakota, so it would really benefit the students.

3D Hot Air Baloon

For this 3D project we created a hot air balloon. To create the 3D illusion, we took a paper plate and glued at least twenty paper strips of paper with space in-between the strips and the plate which created the 3D effect of having depth. Below the hot air balloon, we had to draw a landscape of our choice. Then we also attached cotton balls that were 3D as well to look like clouds. Extension Activity: I would tie this art project into language arts. I would have the students write a paragraph about if they would get to take a ride on a hot air balloon here would they want to go and why. Students would present there air balloon project and read their paragraph to the class.

Clay Coil Pot

I was the teacher for this clay lesson. Everyone created their own coil pot that had to be at least five coils high. It was made out of air-dry clay. Students had to learn how to wedge and slip & score to build their pot. The students had to either add texture, paint , or they were able to even do both if they wanted. Extension Activity: I would incorporate this into a science lesson. Each student would create their own coil pot and then we would plant a seed in it. The students would watch their plant grow and learn about what the essential things are that a plant needs to be able to grow.

Paper Fish

For this activity we got to pick two contrasting colors for our fish which are two color that are opposite on the color wheel. We were able to pick our own animal and then trace it on the paper which by having the two colors really made it pop out. We also got to pick our own choice of background pattern that were already cut out pieces of paper. Extension activity: I would bring this project into a science lesson. I would have the student research about the animal that they choice to have on their art project. The students would also have to add five fun facts that they learned on the back of the paper and share with the class.

Vicent Van Gough

We reviewed Van Gogh's paintings and the elements that he used throughout his artwork. We got to use different colored tissue paper to create a background. My landscape was a mountain scenery that remind me of Big Sky Montana. I used mainly cool colors to represent the sky and snow. We also used oil pastels to create snow at the top of my black paper mountains and swirls in the background like Van Gogh did throughout his artwork. Extension: An extension activity I think would be interesting with this art assignment would be for the students to write a short paragraph about the reasoning behind their background color choice and scenery image and use their imaginations. Their paragraph and artwork would be hung up in the hallways outside of the classroom.

Dot Painting

For this project we drew out a rose in pencil and then created three different shades of the color of our choice. I used the color blue. Then we took q-tips and dotted the different colors on our drawing. For the background I chose to use colored pencil and shade it in and add some green leaves. Extension Activity: I would have students write a paragraph about their favorite type of flower and what they like about that certain type of flower. I would also have it so that students would go out and take a picture of an actual flower as well.

Print Making Quilting

For this project we had to create a paper quilt using the print making tools. To make the designs on the paper we had to use a gel plate and our choice of stencils to create whatever designs we wanted with paint. We also had to incorporate different colors and patterns into this project. We would cover our gel plate with paint and a stencil and then put paper over that and roll it with a roller over top to push the design into the paper. We then cut out all the different pattern squares and glued them on to a piece of construction paper to create a quilt. An extension activity I would do with this is incorporating it with a book. It could also be connected to wintertime and I could bring in some of my own personal quilts to show the students. This would let students see the patterns on a real quilt and all the design detail that

Name Drawing

In this drawing lesson it was focused on creating lines. We used a white piece of paper and had to create our name or nickname in the center of the paper. We traced our name in black sharpie and then then were told to shade our name in a solid color. The rest of the paper had to be filed with a bunch of different patterns. We had to incorporate different drawing tools I used crayons, markers and colored pencils. Extension Activity: An extension activity for this project would be to have the students write a paragraph about why they picked the designs for the background of their drawing. I would also have students write about what their favorite colors are.

Hidden Safari

We created a hidden safari using the upside-down drawing technique. We had the option of picking an animal of our choice. I picked a tiger for mine. WE lightly drew the animal in blue colored pencil. After we had our animal drawn we got to pick warm colors of our choice to create patterns over the previous drawing. We created a pair of red film glasses and when we wore the glasses we were able to see the hidden drawing that you aren’t able to see without the glasses on. Extension Activity: After the students complete this assignment we will have a show and tell time for the students to share their drawings with their classmates. They will be able to read their three clues to everyone and have them guess. After all the guessing is done everyone will go around looking at everyone’s drawings with their red film glasses.